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  1. NázevThe European Union in crisis : explorations in representation and democratic legitimacy / Kyriakos N. Demetriou editor
    Další autoři Demetriou, Kyriakos N. (Editor)
    NakladatelNew York : Springer, [2014]
    Rozsahxxi, 257 stran ; 24 cm
    Země vyd.Spojené státy americké
    Jazyk dok.Angličtina
    PoznámkyObsah: Preface--Part I: National Euroscepticism--Part II: European Monetary Union and Legitimacy Crisis--Part III: The Future of EU Integration--Part IV: Structural Democratic Deficits in the EU
    Obsahuje bibliografie a bibliografické odkazy
    Anotace"This volume is a comprehensive and rigorous exploration of intertwined issues surrounding the EU's democracy and legitimacy, written in the turbulent context of the financial crisis. The chapters are woven together under four interconnected thematic sections that examine: rapidly growing national euroscepticism; the Economic Monetary Union and its legitimacy; the future of EU integration; and democratic deficit(s) across its internal & external structure. The volume presents an authoritative collection of research results and surveys by experts in various disciplines related to the EU, and is addressed to researchers and students examining EU governance, representation and accountability, as well as practitioners across a multiplicity of fields."--Cover
    Výrazy tezauru Evropská unie * členský stát EU * členství v Evropské unii * evropská integrace * měnová unie * měnová krize
    Klasifikační znaky1016 - Struktura Společenství
    0811 - Politika spolupráce
    Počet ex.1, z toho volných 1
    URLThe European Union in crisis (náhled do publikace / Google Books)
    Druh dok.Kolektivní monografie
    F 84903EXH - externí sklad Holešovice

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