Počet záznamů: 1
Název Dominion : how the Christian revolution remade the world / Tom Holland Autor Holland, Tom, 1968- (Autor) Vydání First US edition Nakladatel New York : Basic Books, 2019 Rozsah x, 612 stran ; 21 cm Země vyd. Spojené státy americké Jazyk dok. Angličtina Poznámky Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy, bibliografii a rejstřík Anotace "Crucifixion, the Romans believed, was the worst fate imaginable, a punishment reserved for slaves. How astonishing it was, then, that people should have come to believe that one particular victim of crucifixion-an obscure provincial by the name of Jesus-was to be worshipped as a god. Dominion explores the implications of this shocking conviction as they have reverberated throughout history. Today, the West remains utterly saturated by Christian assumptions. As Tom Holland demonstrates, our morals and ethics are not universal but are instead the fruits of a very distinctive civilization. Concepts such as secularism, liberalism, science, and homosexuality are deeply rooted in a Christian seedbed. From Babylon to the Beatles, Saint Michael to #MeToo, Dominion tells the story of how Christianity transformed the modern world." --Cover Výrazy tezauru křesťanství * civilizace * dějiny Klasifikační znaky 2831 - Kultura a náboženství ISBN 978-1-5416-7559-9 Počet ex. 1, z toho volných 1 Druh dok. Monografie Signatura Lokace Info F 90656 PSS - Poslanecká sněmovna
Počet záznamů: 1